Being wheezy, isn’t easy !



The past week has thrust upon me a very difficult situation. I have been asthmatic for as long as I can remember- always my friend Ventolin Inhaler on my person 24hrs a day. But this week I had a terrible scare.

Well cast back to last year at roughly this exact time of the year I had a severe reaction to a nut, resulting in Anaphylaxis !!!!! Most scary experience known to man and I have lived through a few.  Since then I have been vigilant in the looking after of myself for me, but also for the family. As I am the main care giver and responsible for most goings on within the home. 

I have mentioned I always carry my reliever inhaler with me at all times. They are in every room of my house and possibly every hand bag I own lol! I also have to carry some epi -pens a bottle of piriton tablets and identification cards alerting medical care givers to my known allergies.Nightmare really -no small clutch bags for me from now on. 

Well last Tuesday I had a very busy day as hubby is off early to work but also had two other planned activities for the evening. I was delighted when I was able to get all younger 5 children bathed and in bed hooray single handed ( with a wee bit of assistance from older siblings entertaining younger ones whilst the neccesity of hair washing and the like were carried out.) I do admit that at the end of the day I was very tired but was still standing …just!

The following day we always try and attend our local toddlers group. I think it is important to escape the confines of your home and chat with others and it provides a wonderful setting for the kids to socially interact, build friendships and play freely. So that particular Wednesday was no different. Kids all turned out – I even had time for myself to get ready – which was more than a quick splash out the sink and some leave in dry shampoo lol!!



Once there we had great fun dress up, role play decorating biscuits and having a ball. Towards the end of the session my youngest son was being mischievous running in and out of the main playroom and up a huge flight of stairs at one point. My tiredness from the evening before had caught up with me and I was looking forward to chilling out at home. So belongings gathered we made our way home. 

Its so beautiful at this time of year where I stay as the blossom in all in full bloom and petals scatter around you like small puffs of candyfloss dancing in the breeze. But it was this natural beauty which was to be the trigger for my down fall. My breathing became laboured I felt my temperature soar and tried my hardest to just get myself indoors , take my medicine and all would be well. BUT NO!!!!! I left the changing bag at the toddler group. Luckily my 5 month old was sleeping and the older two could sense Mummy was not well. I panicked!!! 

After a few bursts of my inhaler I remembered I had the organiser of the groups number was in my phone and got on the case of my bag getting to me. Hooray! Within minutes a few friends delivered my bag to me and almost instantly the overall feeling of dread and doom subsided, my heart stopped racing so much and I was calmer. So thankful to my friends Rena and Gillian you are stars!!!!

I think being responsible for so many people and their time tables, needs and wants makes me, even though I would not possibly admit it in any other circumstances, very controlling. I think that is why this past half week i have found so unbearably depressing and unnerving as I have had to sit  back and relax ( doctors orders accompanied with a short dose of wonder drugs steroids to sort my chest situation out.) 

So today, now in the wee hours of Monday morning I am beginning to feel like myself. I had a super better day today been able to cook and contribute to the day to day goings on in the household. I have wound down with the help of a few good movies Chocolat , The Hobbit and a large glass of red wine. Ready to face the next week rested and recouperated – which might be necessary as the youngest three have all started to display early signs of chicken pox grrrrrrr!!!!

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