Tell you why I do love Mondays

Like many others across the Uk an no doubt the wide world I check my Facebook every morning to learn of new new triumphs of friends, pictures of new babies and catch up with friends. 

Being a mother of six does not always give me the freedom to catch up with my friends as often as I would like, especially as some live in far off lands of Australia ,America and the UAE.

Something which is alien to me in my current circumstance is the dread which Monday morning seems to bring to the masses. I see Monday in a whole different light -an opportunity to be a better wife, mother and friend than I was last week. But most importantly Monday is a day when having my wing man ( the husband) around provides me with the freedom to attend baby massage class, catch coffee with a friend without having to be mindful of nursery/ school collections or our particularly live wire 2 year old who keeps me on my toes. Honestly a staple in my wardrobe nowadays is trainers just so I can keep up with him. 

So my blog today is dedicated to my husband, tag team member, wingman and thanking him for that little bit of time to just be x 

Alistair thank you x 








‘ to boldly go where no Gc has gone before’

As all the other 7 members of my family are fast asleep, pushing out those zzzzzzz and goodness knows how many sheep I find myself setting up this blog – an honest account of raising a large family. I haven’t a clue how any of it works but am always keen to learn something new 🙂