Banana bread

I always find Saturdays challenging as my other half is usually at work. The unpredictable weather and a poorly toddler doesn’t give much scope for getting out and about. So instead of being bored we decided to do a bit of baking. I’m thinking of making this a new ritual, won’t do my waistline any favours, but kids will love it.

I started by searching Instagram #bananabreadrecipe I love the resourceful nature of social media. Makes being a Mum in modern times so much easier.


We used this recipe as a basis and doubled it for our large family. We also added a teeny splash of maple syrup.

Upon inspection of our baking cupboard we had all ingredients necessary bar the butter. So a quick jaunt to the local shop by the older kids and we were good to go.


During the adding of the ingredients we all took turns to crack eggs, grease loaf trays and stir the mixture. It’s a family tradition if you stir any mixture whilst making food as a family we make a wish , it’s so cute.



Once basic ingredients added we squashed our bananas, again taking turns. Then added them to the bowl too.





It took immense elbow power from me to mush it all into the correct consistency. We chatted whether to make one loaf and save mixture or just make some on our muffin baking tray. We opted for the latter.


I wish I was a tidy up as you go along person but that’s not to my nature so all the paraphernalia used was chucked into the sink to be washed.


I’m a bit of an experimental chef/ cook so we popped the trays in the oven at roughly 180 degrees and just kept a very close eye on them. As they began to cook the house smelled amazing.


Once they had been in roughly 20 mins I took the buns out after a quick test with a knife. (Poke knife in centre to ensure no wet mixture remains.) They were ready.


And after a few more minute we did the same with the loaf tin. We greased the before hand and the banana loaf eased out beautifully.


I thoroughly enjoyed this activity. It got us all together making something tasty, making decisions together, turn taking, measuring. Would recommend.

I can’t wait to find something to make next week as we embrace Home Baking Saturdays.